If I'm being honest, the only part of what I'm wearing in this picture that Nick influenced at all was a layer of long underwear that you can't see. When he peeked underneath my second shirt and saw only tummy, he was horrified enough that I was going outside in so few layers that I decided to add another foundation garment. But he did try to dress me in several floppy-sleeved jackets (floppy on me--not on him) that I turned down, and it is his proponency* of
Turtle Fur that has led me to even consider wearing that neck warmer. But the dorky bottle belt? All me--and
Dawn Dais.
Here's the point: I walked 15 miles today! I'm a rock star. A rock star who performs sitting down for the next day or two. I decided to do my walk in Prospect Park, as semi-suggested by the coach I met with on Saturday (more on that sometime soon). So I did four laps of the park, and that, plus 12 blocks on Prospect Park West, plus the distance to and from my house, is roundabout exactly 15 miles--maybe slightly more. I'm proud of my old Nike+ sensor for giving me a good 7.89 miles before giving out. I decided not to use the new one because I still hadn't calibrated it yet, and so I used the old one as far as it would take me, not sweating it when it konked, since I was covering a known mileage. The walk took me around four hours, which brought me within 25-30 minutes of finishing
A Thousand Splendid Suns. I listened to the end of it a few minutes ago. Quite a book! Really great stuff.
In addition to being more or less properly dressed for today's outing, I also didn't suffer any bouts with the ol' peg leg, which was a huge relief. After my 13-miler, I was worried. I do find, as far as chafing goes, that it's easier training in the cold than it was in warm weather. There's just more between my skin and my skin, which minimizes the rubbing. I also used
BodyGlide for the first time today, but probably didn't particularly need it. And the
Fuel Belt worked out great--far better than the water-bottle-with-handle-grip that I used for my walk in Florida. The walk was tiring as all get-out, but doable. Pretty darn cool.
*word coined by me, early a.m. 2/12/08 (Happy Birthday, Mom!)