Friday, November 30, 2007


Time: 35:07 - Distance: 2.85 miles - Avg Pace: 12:17/mi.
Calories: 332
Soundtrack: Avril Lavigne
Time: 35:08 - Distance: 2.8 miles - Avg Pace: 12:32/mi.
Calories: 326
Soundtrack: Mindless Eating

It's far later than I should be up, and so I'll be quick. I wrecked my lower back rolling out croissant dough on Tuesday, and so I made Tuesday a rest day, uncertain as to whether I'd be able to pick up the lost walk later in the week. Got up early on Wednesday, determined that I was able to stand, and walked off into the sunrise, holding in my abs the whole way in order to protect my back. That worked out okay, although I was a mess the rest of the day. Aleve and a nap in the evening made a huge difference, and now I'm feeling pretty good. Just took a walk that ended after midnight--my latest walk, the day after my earliest. I'm going to try and not do that again...unless I'm in Scandinavia in July. The new audio book is great; more on that another time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Silly Thoughts

Picture later; I'm e-mailing this one in. So I'm in bread-baking school right now, and we work in teams here to get our various doughs and other tasks done. My partner this week is a guy named Joe with a pretty wacky sense of humor. I was telling him a few minutes ago about doing the marathon with a charity team, and he theorized how funny it would be to compete for a charity that isn't actually a charity. "Like the phone company?" I suggested. "Exactly," he said.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fundraiser: The Details Are Set

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Brit-Tastic Fundraiser Party and Silent Auction
All proceeds go to Sense - National Deafblind and Rubella Association
446 3rd St #1, Brooklyn, NY

Admission is
£5 per person (about $10).
Click here and make a
£5 pledge to get your ticket.

Auction catalog is online here.

Got something you'd like to donate to the auction or connections to someone who might?
E-mail me here.

Not a Vampire

Time: 35.05 - Distance: 2.9 miles - Avg Pace: 12:04/mi.
Calories: 338
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

I did it! Got out and walked before dark! The advantage to this is the warmer temps--even took my fleece off partway through--and more people around, if you like that sort of thing. The disadvantage is that there are more people around, a lot of them in cars, and so I can't always cross a street when I get to the corner. This sometimes means crossing back and forth in the direction that's permitted by the light until my way is clear in the other direction, and that just looks silly. Sure, I could pause the workout on the Nike+, but it stops the flow of things. Today I tried to trot across the street shortly before a car was coming and got a window rolled down and something yelled at me. I think I like the catcalls better, but it's a close contest.

Southbridge, Massachusetts

Time: 30.04 - Distance: 2.5 miles - Avg Pace: 11:59/mi.
Calories: 292 - Shins: Barely Even Noticed 'Em
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Yup, this is about what the landscape looked like on my walk last night. Booooring! But at least it ended up being safe. You never know when you're the only one on the street in a strange, quiet town. But it turned out to be fine, and I dare say I was among the only people to duck out of the post-wedding festivities for a workout before returning to the convivial fried food fest that was the evening hours. Blech. And yet...yum. Since it's still daylight back here in Brooklyn, I'm going to try and catch some rays and get out for my 35 minutes before the early nightfall of late November. More in a bit.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Sandwiches, Turkey Soup, Turkey Casserole...

Time: 45:05 - Distance: 3.82 miles - Avg Pace: 11:47/mi.
Calories: 445 - Shins: Better in the Second Half
Soundtrack: Silence and Dad

Well, well, dad may think he walks much more slowly than I do, but this morning, we both had our fastest walk ever. As a result of this and his other recent training (and maybe, just maybe, the travel involved), he's decided to participate in the London Marathon as well! Hooray! He still has to get a definite spot on a charity team, but he's got past volunteer connections to Amnesty International, and so that seems like a good bet. Will keep you posted.

This morning's outing was chilly, but by about halfway through, I was comfortable in most every way. Decided to do my long walk this week today with Dad, rather than tomorrow in who-knows-where, Massachusetts, where we'll be for a wedding. Of course, "long" isn't all that long yet, but it's longer, nonetheless.

Welcome aboard, Papa Bear!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Time: 30:05 - Distance: 2.45 miles - Avg Pace: 12:14/mi.
Calories: 286 - Shins: Haven't Fallen Off Yet
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Happy Thanksgiving! Above are the stats from yesterday's walk. I switched around my rest days this week, making Tuesday one of them, so that my dad and I can walk together tomorrow morning. Last night's outing was pleasant--temps have been unseasonably warm the last couple of days (who ever heard of a 63º Brooklyn Thanksgiving?)--and although my pace dipped at the end, I managed to keep up a pretty good clip overall. Still strengthening the shins. There are some shin-specific stretches in The Complete Guide to Marathon Walking, and so I'm giving those a look. I've also just begun to read the section on marathon nutrition, which will hopefully be of some use. South Beach-style diets have been successful for me in the past, but eliminating carbs for a period of time seems antithetical to working out, to say nothing of the fact that I am in school to learn to bake bread. I'll see what Dave McGovern (author of The Complete Guide) has to say on the subject. Enjoy your turkey!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Step by Step

Time: 30:05 - Distance: 2.47 miles - Avg Pace: 12:09/mi.
Calories: 288
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Nice walk, but baby, it's cold outside! And still only November. I suppose that if I walked during the day I could incorporate some sunshine for warmer temps. Nick asked me tonight if I thought I was losing any weight, and I said that honestly, I didn't. Because I don't. Because I'm not. I realize that's not the point, and maybe it'll come, and maybe it won't, and regardless, what I'm doing is making me healthier, right? Right. Although if I'm at the same place that I was when I wasn't exercising, it does make a girl wonder. Of course, now I'm surrounded by bread, and so maybe I'd be in a different, softer, rounder place if I weren't walking. And let us not forget, this is only the beginning.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Life on the Farm

Time: 45:07 - Distance: 3.69 miles - Avg Pace: 12:13/mi.
Calories: 430 - Shins: Decent - Left Knee: Little Sketchy
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

First, I want to thank my most recent donors:

Jean Sandler
Steve & Maggie Greif
Geoffrey Greif
Elizabeth Stoll

Your generosity is hugely appreciated and is helping me to reach my goal. Hooray!

Tonight's walk was my longest ever--Paula told me so--and the pace was quicker than I thought it was going to have been, if that makes sense. That is, as I was walking, I didn't think I was keeping up the sort of pace it turned out I was. So yay for that. The first part of tonight's A, V, M was about markets and agriturismi that Kingsolver and her husband visited in Italy. Such a pleasure, and as I just browsed for a good agriturismo link, I thought, hey, what if we lived in one of those while we're overseas? I don't know if anybody actually spends extended periods at them, but at the least, it was not only a delightful window into Italian food culture, but it also gave me personal food for thought. Nice.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Missing Lynx

Time: 30:08 - Distance: 2.48 miles - Avg Pace: 12:06/mi.
Calories: 290
Soundtrack: "Songs to Sing" playlist on my iPod

Time: 30:05 - Distance: 2.31 miles - Avg Pace: 12:58/mi. (toldja it was a slow one)
Calories: 270
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

And some purdy pictures...

I did get a Pilates DVD this afternoon, which I tried out tonight for Cross-Training Thursday. It was decent, but it helps to have an instructor there live to kick my butt.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'll Try Anything Once

You may be wondering where my workout stats and purdy pictures are. I'm trying out a feature that allows me to e-mail postings to a special address made just for me, which then publishes them to the World Wide Universe. What better use of the time on the train between home and tutoring? Several of the people around me are snoozing, but I just had an invigorating! walk, and so my peepers are open. For now, I'll just tell you that yesterday's walk was, on average, my fastest ever, due in part to a burst of speed at the end, during which I tried to reach the corner of my street before my 30 minutes were up. I got darn close, and ended up doing what was probably racewalking, but felt like the Road Runner as he jets away from Wile E. Coyote. I think the pace of that quickest moment was 11:19/mile, but I don't feel as though it's anything I could keep up over time--at least not yet. But an interesting experiment. Today's
walk was slow, my slowest in a couple weeks. But I'm okay with that. Some days it's an accomplishment just to get out the door and start moving. I also ventured farther beyond our neighborhood than I usually do during my workouts, and discovered that outside our yuppie
enclave, more men have something to say to a woman walking by in stretchy pants. Nice to be noticed and all, but I don't have much to say back. And that is why we have headphones.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No, Thank *You*.

Below are the names of the people who have contributed to my fundraising campaign so far:

Tom and Phoebe Styron

Rose Styron

Zack Hample

Mike Sullivan

Margo Wallasch

Terry and Wendy Halle

Jackie & Roger Norden

Amelie & Bernei Burgunder

Alexandra Styron and Ed Beason

Sue & Rick Rizzo

Allan Hillman

Kay & Gary Stevens

Patrick Mulryan

Many, many thanks to all of you for your generosity.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just a Spoonful of Rennet

Time: 30:06 - Distance: 2.41 miles - Avg Pace: 12:27/mi.
Calories: 281 - Shins: Not Bad
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

During tonight's walk, Barbara Kingsolver and her family (the authors of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, if I didn't already mention that) talked to me about homemade cheese. The first 20 minutes or so were a continuation of yesterday's audio introduction to Ricki Carroll and a workshop of hers that Kingsolver attended in Ashfield, Mass. After that, 19-year-old Camille Kingsolver talked to me about growing up in the kitchen. A delightful listen, as always.

But this is about the walking. Tonight's terrain was quite flat--considerably more so than yesterday's--and so maybe under those circumstances, last week's 12:07/mile isn't an impossibility. Just gotta keep moving those feet.


Saturday's walk:
Time: 40:08 - Distance: 3.15 miles - Avg Pace: 12:43/mi.
Calories: 367
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

So the Shin Thing is not entirely behind me, although it did go away yesterday partway through my walk, which makes me think it's a warming-up-type issue. Not having walked in two days (due to Cross-Training Thursday and Rest-Day Friday) causes the parts to take a bit to get cranking. Wonder if there are some stretches I could do before starting that might loosen everything up from the get-go. The end of Daylight Savings last weekend meant that my 4:50pm walk ended in near-darkness. But listening to Barbara Kingsolver talk about locally grown vegetables and the virtues of cooking at home as I walked around Prospect Park at twilight--it doesn't get a whole lot better than that. And I know this is elementary to regular exercisers, but it kind of blows my mind that I find it very chilly outside right now, but when I'm working out, I'm comfortable in fewer and lighter layers than when I'm not. Maybe training over the winter won't be so bad (she says naïvely in the second week of November). As I look at the consistency of my pace lately, it makes me think that something might have been a little off with my measuring devices on Wednesday. 12:07's pretty fast compared to the rest of what I've been doing. But hey, if it's actually possible, I'll see if I can get back down there.

One of the most exciting parts of today's walk was stretching after I got home and finding that...I could touch my toes! I have notoriously tight hamstrings and generally only dangle nearby rather than actually laying finger to footwear. But sure enough--I double checked several times--I had my hands on my sneakers. Woohoo! Benefits galore to this walking stuff!

Never reported on Thursday's cross-training, which was a Magic Circle Mat Pilates class, my first at the Pilates Boutique in Carroll Gardens. The Magic Circle is a piece of equipment that looks like this thing on the right and provides additional resistance during Pilates mat work. Sometimes you put it between your hands, other times between your thighs or ankles. Anyway, the things about the class was that the guy teaching it wasn't doing any of the exercises. He was standing and instructing, and so often, he was moving too quickly. Not I-can't-follow quickly, but we'd-get-a-better-workout-if-you'd-slow-down quickly. So that was frustrating. I don't know that I got a ton out of it, nor that I would take another class with him, but it is close to home and I liked the space, so maybe I'll give it another try sometime with a different teacher. Finding a class on Thursdays, especially when I'm tutoring, can be tricky, and so I think I might invest in a Pilates DVD of some sort. Still waiting to get my bike back from the shop.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fuschia/Fuchsia: Both Are on Dictionary.Com

Time: 30:08 - Distance: 2.48 miles - Avg Pace: 12:07/mi.
Calories: 289
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

I did walk yesterday (I'm writing this on Thursday), but I fell asleep last night looking for the picture I wanted. I was trying to find one of my Marmot fleece jacket, because I thought it was a good indicator of the weather, but it seems that since no one sells it anymore, there aren't any photos. It's kind of like this one on the left, except that the body is bright pink and the highlights are dark fuchsia. Anyway...the walk was good. Sunny and windy. I had a little of the shin tightness starting out, but it passed. I wasn't sure for some of the walk whether I was really moving that quickly. But the overall pace is looking nice, and at the end Paula Radcliffe (I admit I didn't know quite who she was until I looked her up, but she's hot stuff!) congratulated me on my longest walk yet. Motoring around Park Slope for half an hour is fine, but I may want to explore other environs someday soon. Oh! Important note: I decided to wear some capri-length bottoms for a change of pace. The length was fine, although the material--a thin spandex cocktail--seems to have left my legs a bit pink and spotty from the cold. But the main point is that pants with a seam right up the middle of the crotch are to be avoided for ladies who dress for workouts to avoid panty lines. If that makes sense to you, I urge you to heed my advice. If it doesn't, thanks for reading this far.

And the Winner Is...

Me! Thanks to Sense - National Deafblind and Rubella Association, I have a guaranteed place in the Flora London Marathon on Sunday, April 13, 2008. My job, aside from training like a rock star, is to raise at least £1400 for Sense between now and then. I'd be thrilled if you wanted to sponsor me--just click here to become one of a select group of phenomenal people lending their support.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Nice Talkin' to Ya, Lance!

I wanted to share this with you, because I'm excited about and proud of how my pace improved over the course of the walk. I also input my weight into my nano, and so it's now calculating my calories burned as well. Here are some happy things:
  • As I continued to move my feet more and more quickly (which is, I learned in my last walking lifetime, how you walk faster--not bigger strides), not a lick of soreness in my shins. Which leads me to believe I just needed to start using them and stretching them and showing them what they need to do for me.
  • I started doing a little of the classic speed-walking rear-end swing, and it really seemed to propel me forward.
  • At the end of my 30 minutes, Lance Armstrong came on and congratulated me for my personal best mile time. At the very end of the walk, I was actually doing an 11:52 mile, which is pretty cool. We'll see where I can get to and sustain it, but it's a nice feeling to be at that pace even for a moment.
  • I think I have a place on a charity team! I'll make an official announcement once I'm sure.
  • It was raining this morning, and then it stopped. And then I walked.
  • Sweet Charity

    Before today, I had applied for a place on four or five charity teams for the London Marathon--the charities with which I felt the strongest connection. But I realized today that if I definitely want to do this, I should apply to every charity with spots available. I can get behind any worthy cause, and hopefully the people I look to for support during the course of my fundraising will feel the same way. Below are all the charities I have looked into, which means either applying online (in the vast majority of cases), e-mailing for an application, or printing one out at home. I still have 16 more to go if I want to get to the bottom of the charities page, but I'm calling it a night. Honestly, my backside is more tired from sitting on the couch and sending all these e-mails than the rest of me is from my training so far. I know, so far. So hopefully, one of these organizations (or the last 16, which I'll try and finish up tomorrow) will take me on. Because I think I could do some pretty hardcore fundraising.

    Update: How cool! I just discovered that people reading my blog can click on the pictures below and go straight to the charities' marathon pages! So glad I didn't try to input all the links myself.

    British Red Cross Sense - Touching People's Lives
    The National Autistic SocietyRNLI

    British Heart FoundationWhizz-Kidz
    Spinal Injuries AssociationBreast Cancer Campaign
    VictaThe Prostate Cancer Charity
    Marie Curie Cancer CareCancer Research UK
    The Anthony Nolan TrustBreakthrough Breast Cancer
    WellChildLeukaemia CARE
    OxfamThe Bobby Moore Fund
    H.E.A.R.T. UK
    PhabkidsThe Stroke Association
    Meningitis TrustNCH, the children's charityScope
    Muscular Dystrophy CampaignAsthma UKCystic Fibrosis TrustShelter
    Sue Ryder CareThe Institute of Cancer ResearchLeukaemia Research
    SamaritansCLIC SargentChildrens Society
    St Christopher's HospiceSee AbilityAction Medical Research
    Maggie's Cancer Caring CentresHearing Dogs for Deaf PeopleHelp The Aged
    The Children’s TrustChild LineHealth Unlimited
    Breast Cancer CareHelp The HospicesGreat Ormond Street Hospital
    Dreams Come TrueWaterAidSpinal Research - fighting paralysis and winning
    Willow FoundationThe Roy Castle Lung Cancer FoundationNSPCC
    UNICEFRoyal British LegionAmnesty International
    FSID (Foundation for the Study of Infant Death)Mental Health FoundationChildren in Crisis
    RNIDFarm AfricaTommy’s, the baby charity