Before today, I had applied for a place on four or five charity teams for the London Marathon--the charities with which I felt the strongest connection. But I realized today that if I definitely want to do this, I should apply to every charity with spots available. I can get behind any worthy cause, and hopefully the people I look to for support during the course of my fundraising will feel the same way. Below are all the charities I have looked into, which means either applying online (in the vast majority of cases), e-mailing for an application, or printing one out at home. I still have 16 more to go if I want to get to the bottom of the charities page, but I'm calling it a night. Honestly, my backside is more tired from sitting on the couch and sending all these e-mails than the rest of me is from my training so far. I know, so far. So hopefully, one of these organizations (or the last 16, which I'll try and finish up tomorrow) will take me on. Because I think I could do some pretty hardcore fundraising.
Update: How cool! I just discovered that people reading my blog can click on the pictures below and go straight to the charities' marathon pages! So glad I didn't try to input all the links myself.
Update: How cool! I just discovered that people reading my blog can click on the pictures below and go straight to the charities' marathon pages! So glad I didn't try to input all the links myself.

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