Time: 30:05 - Distance: 2.45 miles - Avg Pace: 12:14/mi.
Calories: 286 - Shins: Haven't Fallen Off Yet
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
Happy Thanksgiving! Above are the stats from yesterday's walk. I switched around my rest days this week, making Tuesday one of them, so that my dad and I can walk together tomorrow morning. Last night's outing was pleasant--temps have been unseasonably warm the last couple of days (who ever heard of a 63ยบ Brooklyn Thanksgiving?)--and although my pace dipped at the end, I managed to keep up a pretty good clip overall. Still strengthening the shins. There are some shin-specific stretches in The Complete Guide to Marathon Walking, and so I'm giving those a look. I've also just begun to read the section on marathon nutrition, which will hopefully be of some use. South Beach-style diets have been successful for me in the past, but eliminating carbs for a period of time seems antithetical to working out, to say nothing of the fact that I am in school to learn to bake bread. I'll see what Dave McGovern (author of The Complete Guide) has to say on the subject. Enjoy your turkey!
Soundtrack: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

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