Soundtrack: This American Life--Unconditional Love, Avril Lavigne
2. Time: 20:07 - Distance: 1:53 miles - Avg Pace: 13:08/mi.
Soundtrack: Once Upon a Mattress
Today's wet, windy weather was the most unpleasant I'm going to have to work out in for the entirety of my training. If I say it, will it make it true? I've always been told that you need to put things out to the universe in order for them to happen. So there it is, Mama Nature; have at it.
I kept waiting for the rain to stop this afternoon, but it kept on falling. Realizing that I was probably going to have to go out in it,
we went to EMS in nearby Middletown, RI (we're in Newport for the weekend), where I got this marvel of engineering on the right. The color is called oxblood red, which I'm glad I didn't know until after I'd purchased and worn it (click here for my feelings on ox parts in paragraph three). Also got a pair of rain pants and some gloves, which, combined with the gear I already had, kept me warm and dry on my walk. It's kind of fun to slog through the tempest without getting soaked, even if it is objectively dreadful out.
I kept waiting for the rain to stop this afternoon, but it kept on falling. Realizing that I was probably going to have to go out in it,

So today was a 40-minute workout. That first 20 doesn't look so hot, does it? Not the sorta pace that would lead someone to complete a marathon in the time allotted. Well, here's what I learned today: the little Nike bit that the guy at JackRabbit told me to tuck into my laces doesn't stay put quite so reliably when the laces are wet. Maybe eight or ten minutes into my workout, my music
(or talk, in this case) stopped and Ms. Soothingvoice said: "Activity stopped. Press the center button to resume your workout." Interesting that she saw things this way, because I hadn't stopped moving. But I pressed the center button to get my Ira Glass on once again. This happened a couple more times, after each of which I dutifully dug my nano out of my zipped pocket and pressed the center button. Then I happened to look down, only to see that the little red-and-white motion sensor was no longer under my shoelaces. Shoot. So I turned around and started walking back the way I came, eyes on the sidewalk. And, improbably, I found it! The part that was plugged into my nano had kept timing me, and so I knew that I was almost at the halfway mark. So at 20 minutes, I stopped the workout and began a new one, because I'd be darned if I was going to puddle-jump for 40 minutes without some accurate reading of what I'd done. So the second 20 minutes are what really happened (as opposed to what happened while the sensor was lying on the ground for 12 minutes). That's a picture of it on the left, by the way, in case it comes out of my laces again and you happen to find it. To make sure that doesn't happen, maybe I ought to get one of those pouches they have at JackRabbit, or else do what this guy did.
So about the walk. Got my pace up! It's still feeling easy, and I didn't have the same pain in my right leg that I had last time. I have noticed in the hours since the walk that I seem to have put a lot of my weight on my left big toe. Gotta look out for that and make sure my weight goes evenly down the middle of the foot. Wouldn't hurt to consult with a coach to make sure I'm doing everything right.

So about the walk. Got my pace up! It's still feeling easy, and I didn't have the same pain in my right leg that I had last time. I have noticed in the hours since the walk that I seem to have put a lot of my weight on my left big toe. Gotta look out for that and make sure my weight goes evenly down the middle of the foot. Wouldn't hurt to consult with a coach to make sure I'm doing everything right.
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