Brussels: starting at Brussels Welcome Hotel (23 Quai au bois à Brûler, on the Place Ste. Catherine), went to the left of the church, made another left, walked along for a bit, and a left again onto a long street along the train tracks
+ fairly straightforward and easy not to get lost, so long as you remember a landmark (in my case, a construction crane) from the corner you turned at
- lots of people, which meant more people looking at me funny for moving my arms à la marathon-walker
- not the prettiest, visually speaking
- uptight police officer who made me step back onto the sidewalk when I started to cross a street before I saw him coming. I backed up, but he actually made me get back on the sidewalk. So not New York!
Niedermorschwihr: drive into the town (this is considerably easier with GPS), park in the first lot on your right, and head out, following the green hiker signs until you get up into the hills
+ lovely scenery: green and flowery at the beginning, with a stream running alongside, and the hills overlook sweet little towns
+ almost nobody around, and so no one makes fun of how I walk
+/- parts of this walk are quite hilly. As someone who has been training on mostly flat surfaces for a marathon that is going to be mostly flat, I consider this a minus, but you might not.
- if you decide to go a ways and then turn around and come back, it is easy to accidentally take a different route on your return...bring breadcrumbs.
Colmar: starting at Hôtel Colombier (7 rue de Turenne), crossed the street, wound around past Caveau St. Pierre, then up the stairs and to the right, made a left at some pretty purple flowers, followed by some more left turns, including one onto a car-free footpath...ah, forget it--you probably won't be following my exact route.
+ great little path back along a stream in a residential area at the end...which is actually only for residents, but I didn't know that until I looked up the word "riverains" ("residents") after I got back
- somewhat circuitous, and so you have to pay close attention to where you're turning so that you can find your way back
Strasbourg: took stairs down to the banks of the Ill River at Quai Koch, followed the path until it ended at Pont St-Martin (I think?), then wound around twists and turns, trying to follow the river, but not always finding a place to walk alongside
+ the parts along the river were perfectly delightful: right next to nature, not too many people
- difficult to figure out where to go--I wish there were a connected network of riverside walks
- sometimes cobblestoney