Sunday, December 23, 2007


Time: 40:07 - Distance: 3.35 miles - Avg Pace: 11:57/mi.
Calories: 390
Soundtrack: Heat

Time: 45:03 - Distance: 3.69 miles - Avg Pace: 12:12/mi.
Calories: 430
Soundtrack: Heat

Time: 40:37 - Distance: 3.36 miles - Avg Pace: 12:04/mi.
Calories: 392
Time: 18:59 - Distance: 1.53 miles - Avg Pace: 12:22/mi.
Calories: 178
Time: 16:02 - Distance: 1.31 miles - Avg Pace: 12:12/mi.
Calories: 153
Soundtrack: Heat

I didn't actually go on three separate walks today. It was intended to be one 75-minute jaunt, but I had to stop and divide it up when I got to the end of the first volume of Heat, and then accidentally ended the workout rather than resuming it when I stopped for a moment. The first mile was inside with my dad, on the track at Supreme Sports Club in Columbia, Maryland, where we're visiting my parents for the holiday. And after that, it was out into the misty, moisty morning, as my dad likes to say...I think that comes from some book we read as little ones. But it was indeed alternately foggy-drizzly-rainy.

But the biggest deal of the whole thing is this: my dad and I walked a mile around the track, and then he had me stop and look at how far my iPod said I'd gone. And it said 1.1 miles. So if it is, in fact, always wrong by 10%, then what I think are 12:00 miles are actually 13:12 miles. So not cool. I'm going to calibrate it and have ordered something to hold it more tightly in place atop my laces, but I am not pleased. At least my walks are still for a certain amount of time, rather than a certain number of miles, and so I haven't been inadvertently under-walking. But I thought I was pretty fast. Hrmph. Gonna get this thing figured out.

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