Time: 1:40:06 - Distance: 6.46 miles - Avg Pace: 15:28/mi.
Calories: 753

It's almost enough to make a girl want to stop blogging. See that pace up above? Compared to what I've been doing, that's hopping-on-one-foot speed. But I went to a track in Red Hook on Saturday to calibrate my Nike+ sensor, and what the track said was a mile (four times around lane 5 out of 8) was what my sensor had been calling 1.2. Yikes. And post-calibration, what appears above is what it gave me for my 100-minute walk. Barf. It seems unfair that I should experience a marked drop in self-esteem at having suddenly become a s-l-o-w walker when nothing has actually changed. I wanted to be absolutely sure, since I never changed lanes as I went around the track and previous tests showed more like 1.1:1 rather than 1.2:1, and so I decided to re-calibrate yesterday on our treadmill. I'm going to stick with this one, which said that one treadmill mile was equal to .89 miles as measured on the track. So I'm somewhere in the middle of my two extremes. Either way, my marathon is going to be a good bit longer than I had been thinking. Even if the outcome is temporarily disappointing, I'm glad to have it settled now, because tomorrow is my first day walking specific distances, rather than specific amounts of time. So not having calibrated the sensor would have started affecting how much I was actually walking--not just how I feel about it afterward.
Time: 50:05 - Distance: 3.06 miles - Avg Pace: 16.19/mi.
Calories: 357
Soundtrack: Food of Love

Today I went up to Rockland County for a walk in Harriman State Park on my way up to the outlets at
Woodbury Common. It's snowier in those parts than it is here in Brooklyn, which made for a wetter, puddlier time than I had been anticipating. I also ended up teetering along some rather narrow, precipitous footpaths above rushing water, which kept things interesting. Didn't walk all that far, but it was pretty and different, and that's certainly worth something.
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